First and foremost, we hope you and your family are well. During this period of uncertainty, we feel a major responsibility in helping slow the spread of COVID-19 in the US. Our office is taking every precaution to ensure the health and safety of our clients, colleagues, and staff while remaining fully functional during this worldwide crisis.
Our sales teams and most office staff are fully equipped to work remotely and meet the needs of our customers. Meanwhile, our operation team is ensuring business continuity by working in small shifts and strict procedures to keep safe and effective operations.
We are focusing our attention on meeting our delivery commitments to all our customers and most importantly we support medical projects like the Veralase laser vaccine adjuvant development that will increase the efficacy of vaccinations up to 10X when a COVID-19 vaccine is discovered. As a key supplier of critical components into defense and medical industries, SemiNex is designated as an “essential” business and we continue to work through this crisis and to support important medical development and other critical industries.
Specifically, at SemiNex we are applying the follow procedures to ensure safety:
- -No in-person visitors; we encourage phone and web-conferences
- -General hygiene and safety precautions
- -Important actions for safety at the workplace
- -Sanitizing the workplace and maintaining hygiene
- -Safety of shared surfaces (meeting rooms, work desks, bathrooms etc.)
- -Screening of visitors
- -Travel on hold
- -Reducing large gatherings and meetings
- -Elbow bump instead of handshakes
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation through this extraordinary period of time. We will keep you informed of any significant changes.
If you have any requests or inquiries, we are here to assist and support. Please contact us by e-mail at or at